Books 1, 2, and 3: Final Foundation

Book 1

My plan is to put Book number 1 up on this website for download – f.o.c. – before the end of the year 2014. I promised the Asimov lawyers I would neither try to sell nor publish the book, therefore Foundation and Second Empire will, from now on, be considered a fan fiction novel. I will put the book up in two formats: epub for iPad and mobi for Kindle.


Book 2

Except for an edit/rewrite of chapter 6, I have not worked on this book since July 2014. That was when I received the cease and desist order from the Asimov Estate. I have worked on another (non-Foundation) book periodically over the last year, but have decided to return to the Final Foundation trilogy and see it through to the end. I will use December 2014 to get this website up and January 2015 to re-read where I’m at. I’ll begin writing again in February.

The book has the working title Robots of the Interregnum and is set in FE 999. Please understand, I am not able to be a full-time writer. I have a day job that needs seeing to, plus all the usual things that fill up a person’s life. Sometimes the progress will be slow, and sometimes there will be no progress at all. Eventually I will finish this book and put it up on this website, f.o.c. Naturally I want the book to be something I am proud of, and something you enjoy reading. By the time I pick up this book again, I will have lost seven months. I apologize for this, but I really was in doubt about whether or not I should proceed.


Book 3

Book 3 has the (very) tentative working title Beyond Foundation. It is set in the future.


  1. Is there some way to subscribe to this website, so that you could inform people on new developments?

    1. Hi Shay,
      I don’t know if there is any way I can set up the page to allow for subscribers and to send bulletins to them. But I will look into it and find out if it is possible. If it is possible, I’ll do my best to set it up.

  2. Frustrating… felt this was a FAR better conclusion to Foundation than the “official” second trilogy. Of course it’s probably thoughts like this that caused some of the trouble in the first place. Sorry ’bout that.

    Please keep up the good work!

  3. Dear Mr Brown,

    As I said in my November posted comment I have reread the entire Robots, Empire, and Foundation Series including the 3Bs. I am now in the process of rereading your first book. I cannot believe how good it really is and how much I missed the first read.

    I cannot complement you any more than I have in the past. What I am going to do is make a donation to you and I urge all of the readers and visitors to this web site and all followers of Asimov to contribute to the cause of making sure Mr Brown completes this final trilogy.

    Bravo Mr Brown!
    All the best,

  4. I loved the book and have previously read all the Assimov books including the 3 extra “Foundation” books which his “estate” permitted. Your book ranks up higher than the extra ones consented to by his estate. I cannot wait till your other books are put on this site. Please hurry. I am in my 70’s and wish to finish them before I am finished. One Question: Why hasn’t the “Estate” given you consent to continue with your books. Can’t a reasonable solution be found?

  5. Mr Brown,

    I started re reading the foundation series and started in order of the robots finishing up with foundation and second empire. As usual we always want more and I k ow they will be wonderful as well. I am glad that I have found a way to let you know how much I loved your writting. I read you can’t spend full time on writting, understood. I will be looking now and then in hopes of the other two books. Thanks for writing these.

  6. Mr Brown,

    Thank you for making this book available.

    I downloaded a sample from Amazon a few years ago and, when I went to download the full title, it had been removed which annoyed me immensely as I had eagerly looked forward to immersing myself in the Foundation universe again.

    I periodically checked for a re-release on Amazon but to no avail. Today was one of those “checking” days and I found an obscure link buried deep in a customer review which linked to this site.

    I look forward to reading the first book and I’ll be checking back periodically for the upcoming releases.

    Thanks again.

  7. I have actually purchased your book on Amazon and I have found it on my Kindle and started to read again (I have a habit to read Foundation novels multiple times 🙂 ). This encouraged me to check back at Amazon for updates but I just now realised that you have actually been removed. It is a pity!
    I liked your book, great plot, luckily moving away from the idea of the Galaxy becoming a huge Gaia as was suggested in the Foundation and Earth. That concept bugged me always. There was however something that was tiring me in your book for the first read , do not remember what though, anyway, I am reading it again and will see if it is still there.

    Hope you will have the passion and time to continue on the Foundation saga. Your first book was a superb start, you set the standard pretty high!

  8. Eagerly awaiting your next installment. Just checking in to see how things are progressing…….

    1. I will be making a post on my progress after I complete chapter 13 (2-3 weeks).

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