Downloads are now possible again. I only just realized that there was a problem with them. It apparently occurred when I attached an SSL Certificate to my webpage for security reasons. The new address is https:// instead of http://. Google Chrome announced that they will no longer allow downloads from unsecured pages. The problem lay,… Continue reading Downloads working again
I’ve changed the downloads to bundles – one mobi and one epub each. It is something I’ve been planning to do for a while, but because of the problem mentioned above, I decided to do so now. You can use them both or just delete the one you don’t use. Just unzip and you will… Continue reading Bundles
Book Three
I have been working on book three since the summer of last year. I have finished (and first-time corrected) chapters one and two. Upon completion of TROTI, I took (a much needed) seven-month hiatus from writing. I used the time to recover a bit and to map-out the new book in my head. More difficult… Continue reading Book Three
Third Edition
The third edition of The Robots of the Interregnum is now available for download. This edition incorporates a list of 188 corrections sent to me by John E. Wulff. It was a lot of effort on his part, and I thank him profoundly for all the work he put into it. I did not use… Continue reading Third Edition
Second Edition
The second edition of The Robots of the Interregnum is now available for download. This edition corrects some of my minor typographical errors from the first edition. Sincere thanks to Attila Torkos for his eagle-eyed editorial expertise.
Book Review Page
I have opened a book review page for anyone who wishes to review the books. Just click on Book Reviews at the top of the page. All book reviews (including negative and caustic ones) will be approved as long as a civil tone is maintained. This is not Twitter!
The Robots of the Interregnum
Available for download…
On Schedule
I’m ready to begin the final corrections on the last chapter of the Robots of the Interregnum, so I am still on schedule. Barring unforeseen complications, I hope to have the book out next month, December 2018. It’s been a long haul, and I am glad to get to the end. I plan to begin… Continue reading On Schedule
Download Counts
I have adjusted the download counts to reflect the number of downloads (2078 in all – predominately in mobi format) that were made previous to my opening of this webpage. This was something I should have done right from the start, but couldn’t figure out how to do so at the time.
I’ve now completed corrections for chapters 1-10 of The Robots of the Interregnum. Tomorrow I will begin the final phase of work on the book: corrections on chapters 11-15 plus the epilogue; merging of my Word files into a single book with linkable chapter titles; conversion to Epub and Mobi Zip files; upload tests; and… Continue reading Homestretch