The second edition of The End of Foundation is now available for download.
Thanks to my de facto editor, Anthony, this edition is much improved. Not only did Anthony find over 200 typographical errors, which are now corrected in this edition, but he also went to the trouble of reformatting the entire .epub manuscript. It was a lot of work for him, but the new edition looks tremendous. I used the .epub to format the .mobi document, so therefore the quality of this is also far superior to my original. I want to emphatically thank Anthony for all of his labors. He spent a lot of time on the improvements and did a terrific job on them.
I also want to thank my friend Attila Torkos for his invaluable help. He pointed out five significant inconsistencies in the first edition. I was able to correct four of them.
Thanks again to both Anthony and Attila!